徐甜甜获Moira Gemmill新兴建筑师奖

原文链接: https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/912568/sheila-odonnell-he-xu-tian-tian-huo-de-2019jian-zhu-nu-xing-jiang?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0

今年的建筑女性奖(Women in Architecture Awards),Architectural Review 和 Architects' Journal 将 Moira Gemmill 新兴建筑奖颁给中国女建筑师徐甜甜。该奖项授予45岁以下已经展现设计才华并可以预见未来潜力的女性建筑师。

For this year's Women in Architecture Awards, The Architectural Review and the Architects’ Journal have selected Xu Tiantian to win the Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture in the 2019 Women in Architecture awards. The Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture is awarded to women designers under the age of 45 who show design excellence indicative of a bright future.

l  Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture


王景纪念馆 l Wang Jing Memorial Hall ©王子凌

徐甜甜在中国乡村的项目建设中提出了“建筑针灸”策略。在松阳县,已经建成包括连接村庄社区的桥梁,红糖工坊,蕴含客家民族文化的契约博物馆,豆腐工坊和王景纪念馆等极具影响力的系列项目。作为位于北京的DnA建筑事务所的创始人和主创建筑师,徐甜甜获得了今年的Moira Gemmill新兴建筑奖。

In work she describes as "architectural acupuncture", Xu Tiantian has populated the rural Chinese county of Songyang with impactful projects, including a bridge connecting communities, a brown sugar factory, the Hakka Indenture Museum, a tofu factory, and the Wang Jing Memorial Hall. Founder of DnA (Design and Architecture), based in Beijing, Xu was awarded this year's Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture.


红糖工坊 l Brown Sugar Factory ©王子凌



Judges' comments:

“There is an effortlessness, maturity, and deftness about Xu's work, which is equally translatable and relevant in rural China as north Yorkshire. Her projects are all deeply contextual, and executed with bravery and conviction. She is attempting to work in a sustainable way with an entrepreneurial spirit, and has clearly had a very positive impact on her client.”

豆腐工坊 l Tofu Factory ©王子凌

2019年 Moira Gemmill 新兴建筑奖的入围名单还包括:

Lina Ghotmeh of Lina Ghotmeh Architecture (France)

Irene Pérez of TEd’A Arquitectes (Spain)

Jeannette Kuo of Karamuk Kuo (Switzerland)

Moira Gemmill Prize颁奖 ©DnA建筑事务所

Also awarded in this year's Women in Architecture awards

Architect of the Year -- Sheila O’Donnell, of O’Donnell + Tuomey

希拉·奥多奈尔是一名爱尔兰建筑师,她于1988年合伙创立了 O’Donnell + Tuomey。她凭借在匈牙利布达佩斯的中欧大学项目获得了今年建筑女性奖年度建筑师的最高荣誉。

Sheila O’Donnell is an Irish architect who co-founded the O’Donnell + Tuomey partnership in 1988. She was awarded this year’s top honor for her work on the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. 

Jane Drew Prize -- Liz Diller, of Diller Scofidio + Renfro

莉斯·迪勒,美国建筑师,Diller Scofidio + Renfro的创始人之一。她也是普林斯顿大学的教授。

Liz Diller, is an American architect and partner in Diller Scofidio + Renfro, which she co-founded in 1981. She is also a professor at Princeton University

Ada Louise Huxtable Prize -- Hélène Binet

埃莱娜·比奈 是一位法裔瑞士建筑摄影师,同时也是世界领先的建筑摄影师之一。她因与Daniel Libeskind, Peter Zumthor and Zaha Hadid等著名建筑师的合作而被人熟知。

Hélène Binet is a Swiss-French architectural photographer, who is also one of the leading architectural photographers in the world. She is most known for her work with architects Daniel Libeskind, Peter Zumthor and Zaha Hadid.

四位获奖者 ©DnA建筑事务所

News via ‘The Architectural Review and Architects’ Journal & Archdaily