About Studio

DnA_Design and Architecture的建筑实践着眼于当代社会,关注各个领域学科,跨越不同尺度。我们认为建筑并非孤立的一个学科,而是触及到当代社会的各个层面,各个领域的多维度的立体构架。

我们认为文脉 (context) ,功能 (program) 以及这二者之间的相互作用是决定设计 (Design) 、诠释建筑 (Architecture) 的基本元素,亦建筑的基因"dna"。由此展开的研究和讨论,不仅激发每一个项目独特创新的理念,也使得我们的设计充分适应并融合到当代多样与复杂的社会,最大程度地参与社会变革。

DnA_Design and Architect is an interdisciplinary practice addressing our contemporary living environment,both physical and social,from scales small to large.

Our approach to projects starts with research and discussion on context,program,and their interaction,which we believe are the fundamental elements,or the dna,that will define design and architecture,to adapt,engage,and contribute to our society of multiplicity and complexity.

Contextprogram,and their potential relationship,will cultivate architecture into a multidimensional expression and generate new experiment and exploration for users.Architecture will continue to influence and inspire our contemporary life.


Xu Tiantian

Xu Tiantian is founding principal of DnA_Design and Architecture Beijing Office.She received her master of Architecture in Urban Design from Harvard Graduate School of Design,and her baccalaureate in architecture from Tsinghua University in Beijing.Prior to establishing DnA Beijing,She worked at a number of design firms in the United States and the Netherlands.She has received 2006 WA China Architecture Award and 2008 Young Architects Award from The Architectural League New York.